Personality Tests & Christians

by Heidi Khalil, April 3, 2023

Have you ever taken a personality test? Did you think it was accurate? I recently took one and while it got some basic traits about my personality correct, it did not and could not see how “God in me” navigates. Our gifts and talents are from Him. The tests cannot detect the times when the Holy Spirit lays something heavily on our hearts, which shows us to pull to the right or the left of how our flesh would handle something. When we live for Christ and have invited Him into our lives, it changes our status quo. Through Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit, we have a different compass and will not be as predictable as those who are governed by themselves.

If we are filled with the Holy Spirit…all bets are off! Systems interrupted!

So, don’t think that these tests will fully foresee your future personally or professionally! Through the Lord, we are on God’s course. We will be growing for our entire lives….and so much more as we allow ourselves to be governed by God!


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